World of tanks blitz pc rhm b wt
World of tanks blitz pc rhm b wt

world of tanks blitz pc rhm b wt

Armor is worse than that of some Tier 1 tanks.The 15cm gun is unsuited for sniping - poor accuracy and horrible shell velocity.Excellent camouflage, very hard to spot with a full camo setup (camo net, camo skill, camo paintjob).Has a turret that can rotate 360 degrees.The 15cm gun has great alpha damage and premium ammo penetration.Very good accuracy, damage, aiming time, RoF and DPM with the stock 12,8cm.The Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger leads to the Waffenträger auf Pz. Like its predecessors, it performs best taking a position behind the front line to deliver supporting fire to enemy tanks being fought by teammates up front. To balance, the Rheinmetall-Borsig has absolutely no armor - even less than its predecessors - and is somewhat sluggish like the Sturer Emil. Its first gun, 128 mm gun, has high penetration, accuracy, and rate of fire, whereas the 15 cm gun sports higher damage at the cost of lower penetration, accuracy, and rate of fire. Unlike most tank destroyers, its gun is mounted on a turret, making it quite versatile on the battlefield. It has exceptionally good camouflage value in its tier. The Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger, nicknamed "the Roomba", is the first of the Waffenträger (Support Weapon) class tank destroyers available to the player. However, the project was discontinued in favor of the Ardelt project because of a complicated design, high cost, and excessive weight. Development continued from the end of 1942 through to the middle of 1944.

world of tanks blitz pc rhm b wt

The vehicle utilized the suspension of the Hetzer tank destroyer. The vehicle was designed to carry an artillery system as well as to fire from the chassis. The Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger is a German tier 8 tank destroyer.ĭeveloped by the Rheinmetall-Borsig company and designed as a special artillery carrier.

World of tanks blitz pc rhm b wt