Ionic tracker
Ionic tracker

ionic tracker

NFC devices are used in contactless payment systems, similar to those used in credit cards and electronic ticket smartcards and allow mobile payment to replace or supplement these systems.Simply put, Ionic is an HTML5 development framework for creating hybrid mobile apps. Near-field communication ( NFC) is a set of communication protocols that enable two electronic devices, one of which is usually a portable device such as a smartphone, to establish communication by bringing them within 4 cm (1.6 in) of each other.

ionic tracker

Near-field communication can be used for payments

ionic tracker

You can check more details of the plugin here - 5. then( () => console.log('Native layer received the request to monitoring'), error => console.error('Native layer failed to begin monitoring: ', error) ) You can create a beacon region with a name and UUID let beaconRegion = ('deskBeacon','F7826DA6-ASDF-ASDF-8024-BC5B71E0893E') this.ibeacon. To install the plugin use ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation npm install all plugins, the step to import the plugin in a component will remain common (just change the plugin name) import ) Let’s see briefly how we can use Geolocation in our Ionic 4 app. Instagram / Facebook - For tagging photos.Geolocation can be used to determine time zone and exact positioning coordinates, such as for tracking wildlife or cargo shipments. Both mobile and desktop devices can use geolocation. Since devices are used by individuals, geolocation uses positioning systems to track an individual’s whereabouts down to latitude and longitude coordinates, or more practically, a physical address. The most famous and familiar location feature - Geolocation is the ability to track a device’s whereabouts using GPS, cell phone towers, WiFi access points or a combination of these.

Ionic tracker