Evernote task
Evernote task

* daily/weekly/monthly/ every x days / months / years etcįor me tasks in Evernote really works. Ideally I would be able to drive Google entries without ever needing to open the calendar view at all.

evernote task

My current calendar of choice is Google which pretty much covers all of the date-related parts of that and more. Either way blocks of time need to be allocated for various activities, with alerts available for some or all of them. My use case is that tasks are either personal or delegated to others, and involve an open-ended operation to achieve a specific objective within a reasonable time scale, or will include deadlines for meetings / stages / completion. The two entries should be synced, so changes to either one will change the other and print options should include calendar views so I can have a hard copy of my day / week / month commitments to carry around. And my Evernote entries either need to be as flexible as the connected calendar will be in terms of time / duration / repeatability*, or the Evernote record needs to use the Calendar entry as a trigger for reminders. The first thing a calendar add-in would need is speed - if I'm allocating priorities and tasks I don't want to have to wait for any length of time to be able to allocate or change a time slot, or move on to the next entry.

evernote task

Not sure I'm ecstatic to see more bells and whistles pasted onto an already s-l-o-w app.

Evernote task